The first time I noticed my butt looking flat was in a picture: I was out with some friends, and we had taken some photos to commemorate the night. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing - had I always looked like that? Do I actually have a flat butt?
As I kept looking at the picture, I noticed my friends and how they looked. Even though they had skinny booties, theirs did not look as flat as mine. I felt like I needed to figure out what was causing my butt to look so flat these days.
I started to do some research on how to fix my seemingly flat booty, and I was glad to find like out I don't have to have a butt lift to get my peaches right. It turns out, having poor posture causes your butt to appear flat - even when it’s far from it. This is commonly called flat back or sway back posture, and I needed to fix mine.
When you have poor posture, you create the wrong curve in your lower back that gives the appearance of a flat booty. The good news is, though, fixing your posture is easy - you can start improving it today by incorporating simple things into your everyday life!
Here are some ways to improve your posture and prevent the appearance of a flat butt:
Posture exercises
You probably already guessed it, but there are some exercises you can do to improve your posture and get your booty back.
Poor posture for prolonged periods of time can lead to a posterior pelvic tilt. Caused by stress on your lower back, this issue often results in the appearance of a flat butt, among other issues.
Incorporating exercises like lunges and leg raises will strengthen your leg and core muscles, allowing you to stand with better posture for longer without tiring yourself out.
Remember to stretch
Especially if you are more sedentary, or are sitting a lot at your job, your muscles can get tight and cause you to have poor posture.
To loosen them up and correct the tightness, consider incorporating some stretches into your daily routine. Your hamstring muscles, located at the back of your legs, are the best muscles to target for your posture improvement.
To stretch your hamstrings, sit on a hard chair and arch your back slightly, and stretch out one of your legs. Bend down and touch your toes (or get as close as possible), holding that position for 10-30 seconds. You can alternate legs and do this a few times a day to loosen up your hamstrings and help reduce that flat booty appearance.
Wear a posture trainer

Posture trainers help you stay upright and balanced without feeling uncomfortable or unnatural. They’ll allow you to continuously work on your posture at work, shopping, and whatever else.
CoreXO posture vest, ensures you train your lower back to get the curvature that gives you the perfect butt lift. CoreXO is also the most comfortable posture trainer to date and ensures you’re able to go about your day as usual while improving your posture progressively. Made with breathable fabric that moves with you, you’ll notice your posture improve and your booty look better in no time.
If you’re experiencing a flat-looking butt, chances are, it’s due to your posture. Consider incorporating these actions and routines into your everyday life to notice a difference immediately.