Does Correcting Posture Increase Height? - The Relationship between Height and Good Posture

Maintaining good posture is key to staying healthy and looking confident. Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language found through his research that more than 50% of our communication is nonverbal. Poor posture can lead to back and neck pain, as well as other health problems.
But with a few simple good techniques, you can learn how to keep your entire spine in alignment and improve your overall appearance. Yes to answer your question about posture and height, since posture directly works on your spine alignment, it works on your entire body. An average person by improving their posture can add a few inches to their overall maximum height.
If your parents were anything like mine you have heard the phrase "stand taller" several times. But it is easier said than done. This article explores how our physique and posture are connected, also how posture affects so many aspects of our life and why it is key to maintain good posture to stay healthy. We will also talk about a few products that can assist in your journey to great posture.
In an article published by the University of Southern California (, the researchers highlighted the "the early and silent development of bone and joint damage due to poor posture".
Working on modern equipment has caused us to have a "forward head" position most for long periods. This has implications for our bone health, muscle health, and bone mass distribution. “Shifting the head forwards results in the transfer of the head’s weight from the bones of the spine to the muscles at the back of the neck and head.”
Bad posture habits can keep creeping up at any age, depending on your lifestyle or a major life-altering event. The technical term for the rounding of your upper back is called thoracic kyphosis in simpler terms it is forward head posture.
Extended periods of thoracic kyphosis increase the risk of spinal fractures. Some have even linked overall body blood flow and even digestive problems to thoracic kyphosis. It's time to learn good posture techniques and reap the many benefits that come with having a good pose.
Grow taller by improving your posture
It is possible to be and feel a few inches taller by working on your posture. It requires a mix of stretching, exercise, and even the use of tools such as posture correctors.
It’s important to note that if you want to improve your posture you must do it gradually and not force yourself into any new postures. Start slowly, work on each area individually and make sure to perform deep stretches at least
- Standing up tall
- Shoulders back and down
- Stomach in
- Head level with your body and slightly up
Stretching exercises - Beginner
Below are some stretching exercises that can be done while sitting on your chair. They are practical and ideal for people who are working from home. While we work on computers it is natural for us to develop bad posture habits. This often causes us to have round shoulders, hunched back, and excessive curvature on our spines.
You can see some changes in your actual height while doing these exercises as most of them are focused on expanding your chest area and loosening up those muscles.

Strengthening exercises (no weights) - Intermediate
Any activity or exercise that helps your muscle work a little harder qualifies as a strengthening exercise. Climbing stairs, hill walking, cycling, and dancing are all good avenues to strengthen your muscles and improve posture.
Some of these are fun to do as well, it is always refreshing to get out for some fresh air or just wiggle your body to some good music. If you are focusing strictly on posture-improving exercises it is important to focus on your back muscles.
Reverse snow angles, Push-ups, Pull-ups, and Superman poses are all good ways where you can use your body weight against the floor which helps distribute normal forces throughout your upper back muscles.
Extension exercises - Intermediate
Extension exercises especially the ones focused on your upper back and lower back can help with spinal decompression. These exercises are exaggerated versions of a good upright position. Hyperextension, Sphinx position, and cat/cow poses are all good starting points.

If you are comfortable with the extension exercises you can start adding resistance bands to your routine to make it a little bit more intense and further improve posture.
Weight bearing exercises - Advanced
Now let's talk about adding kettlebells into the mix. When using weights to improve your posture it is important to take a lot of caution and best to use the help of a professional trainer. It has been shown that using weights helps develop strong bones in addition to toning your body.
You can do all the above-mentioned extension exercises but add weights to increase the intensity of the movements. Farmer walks & Halos are the two popular exercises you can add to your routine specifically to improve your posture. Don't forget to work on your legs, posture is not all just about the upper body.
Chiropractic Adjustments
A Chiropractic adjustment can go a long way in aligning your spine and setting you up for a good probability of success in your posture improvement journey. Especially if you are already in pain and the exercises sound daunting a good alignment session with your chiropractor can make all the difference.
Physical Therapist
If your posture issue is related to an injury then a visit to the physical therapist might be more beneficial. A few short sessions with a physical therapist can set you up for massive success in your posture journey.
Posture Tools
Posture vests and braces can be a really good tool in maintaining your posture throughout the day. A good posture vest can make you feel more confident, look taller and help with the overall fit of some of your favorite clothes.
A good tool combined with a good exercise routine will set you up for success. Corexo posture vest is designed for people who have low activity levels of physical work during the majority of their day. It is so easy to fall into a bad posture habit when you are sitting in front of your computer versus when you are out and about.
Balanced diet
Diet Matters! What you eat can give you more energy or deplete you of energy. Avoid food with growth hormones, GMOs and as much as possible consider eating organic foods. Make sure your diet is balanced with enough proteins and vitamins. Eating right helps your body to handle physical stress better and recover faster.
Enough sleep
Sleeping habits could be the missing link in your posture journey. A good memory foam pillow and good sturdy mattresses may relieve the kinks that might be causing your posture strains in the first place.
Last but not least, enjoy what you do! Have fun with your posture exercises and find a way to make it part of your lifestyle. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, get out for a walk in the neighborhood, dance around at home, or even stretch while watching Netflix. Being conscious of your posture doesn’t always have to be a chore.
Other factors
Posture is part of your overall health, working on your posture even if it is a minor inconvenience right now could be the difference between a life path where you live pain-free versus where you live with bad posture. True height is achieved when one takes measured consistent steps towards their goal and achieving good posture is no different.